Thursday, December 21, 2006

Channuka oh, Chanukkah......

Yes, I wrote it differently, just so you'd notice.... I don't really get it. Why can't there just be ONE way to write Chanukkah, or Channukah or whatever and let it BE that way!!!

And speaking of Channukah.... I just love this Yom Tov. I won't say 'holiday', which I normally would, because it just hit me..... when I say that Chanukkah is a 'holiday' I'm almost equating it to, lehavdil, christmas- and christmas is not even close to what Chanukkah is!

There are some things in life that just get me in certain ways. Like, I have this special closeness to 'Shema', the Tefillah. Yeah, I know it might sound weird, but so does talking to yourself sound weird,(until you try it, that is!!). No, really, when I say 'Shema' I get this kind of overwhelming feeling, I guess. I can't really explain it... but anyway, that's the kind of feeling I get when I think of the approaching yom tov of Channukah and when Chanukkah is actually here. The warmth, the delicious delectable delights, and the lights... who can miss the lights!?!

Chanukkah really is a Festival of Lights, and not just because the Menorah. Just look around you. There's the obvious- the candles on the Menorah, the blazing lights around the house, cuz there's a party going on, the lights on the stove. Yeah, I know these are not the usual lights you think about.. but, hey, they are lights after all.... And then, there's the lights in the eyes of children and adults alike. I just love the way the children's eyes light up when they get their presents, or are able to join the party. It can make all the work worth it..

And the adults.. sitting around, enjoying family time together, having fun, laughing at jokes and memories... not only do their eyes shine, but there's a shine to their faces, too.

And then, there's the other lights- the boxer-knocked-'em-out lights, like we have in certain families. It's sad sometimes, but in my husband's family it can be pretty funny... For instance, we had a nice party going on at my sister-in-law's house, and we even played this fun couple game where questions are asked and one partner from each couple has to write down the answers. When asking the questions for a second time, the partner that didn't write anything has to answer, and we see how well the couple knows each other by the answers they give! So, it was alot of fun, until.... the second time around... One wife got mad at her husband cuz he didn't want to write (personally, I think he doesn't know how to write English, and was embarrassed), another couple just had a fight and didn't want to think about the other, another couple was too tired... All of a sudden, there were lights flashing really bright all around the table....


Well, as I said, Channukah is a 'Festival of Lights', I just didn't say they all had to be the nice cozy bright lights we think of....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Life

A Life
So short
So quick
No chance
to Live
or Breathe

the Cycle starts
Another Spark
will become a Soul
to Breathe
And Live

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

so long.....

Hey all- whoever still comes here to read, anyway....
Sorry I've been away for so long.....
Do you really want to know why? Really? Are you sure?
Ok ok, I'll tell you.
It's all these........ BILLS.
I promise. That's all it is. I had to pay my bills. But, in order to pay them, I have to go online to my bank and modify my bill payments.
And I really didn't want to do that.
I just didn't want to see that minus sign in front of some numbers.
Stupid. But that's the reason.
So, I'm back... for now.... until the next bill-paying day....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I wrote this post at the time that we were changing the clock, but never got to post it on time. However, I think you can still read it and get to think a little…. Even after the fact…

Now it’s Fall, and it’s ‘fall back’ for the clocks. Spring forward….FALL back..(Ah..ten…TION!). I would always get mixed up, but I now thought of a good way to remember the order- the two F-words do NOT go together- meaning ‘fall’ and ‘forward’. It’s always ‘fall’ and something else that does NOT begin with an ‘F’. Well, that must be ‘back’- so, ‘fall back’ it is. Simple and stupid- but it works!

Don’t worry though, my thoughts on the clock change were not all simple and stupid. Imagine, throughout the year, we have 365 days, 52 weeks, and 12 months (forget about minutes and hours- that’s too much calculation for me) to do good deeds. Good deeds that will add up in the long run. And now… now we’re being given one entire hour- ONE hour to utilize for our own purposes. Whether it will be an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of staying up late. An extra hour to play video games or an extra hour to say Tehillim. An extra hour to read or an extra hour to do a Chessed. You can rack up the points or remain the same.
Here’s your chance.

Well, now that I’m re-reading it before I’m posting this- I should say, your chance, technically, has passed- but only for that particular hour. There are so many more hours that we can do the same calculations for……….think about it…….

Saturday, November 11, 2006

got tagged!

OK, I finally got down to it. Notahottie tagged me a really long time ago (August) and I never did anything about it. Not my fault, I just didn’t read that last part of her blog. Anyway, it’s a little out of style, cuz everyone’s said and done it already, but, I’ll do mine now just because I had fun thinking of all the answers. (I’m not giving it a specific name, because, to tell you the truth, I’m not sure what it’s called- weewaa or something?? Whatever) It’s not a completely compiled list, but… it’s what I got…

Things I want to do before dying:
Give at least $1000 to one tzedakah organization
Have a week long movie marathon, with tons of food-and not get fat
Have the courage to admit all my wrongdoings to the people I did it to
Travel the world
Get a full spa treatment
Have a live-in/full time maid
See the Bais Hamikdash
Live on a farm
Own a dog
Write as well and as interesting as Kasamba
Feel accomplished in life

Things I cannot do:
Skate without fear in middle of the rink
Go on a rollercoaster
Make a tumblesauce
Make a cartwheel
Dance gracefully
Be organized for too long
Kill ants or spiders (only)

Things I can do:
Have patience
Have good intentions
Feel guilty
Give a nice smile
Make people happy
Love my family
Admit I’m wrong- (when I really am);-D

What attracted me to my spouse:
Great manners
Such nice middos
Great Bod!
Carefree (although, don’t ask me about that NOW)

Books that I am currently reading:
Sun Dog, by Steven King (since the summer)
Dora’s Counting Book
The Great Big Fire Engine Book
Sesame Street Guessing Books
(get the idea??)
Oh, and Spiderman comic books from the library (I did NOT take them out)

Movies that I love:
Should have been books I love, but I’ll do both
Anne of Green Gables (both- Movie and Book)
Mrs. Doubtfire (it’s funny!)
Double Jeopardy
Dead Poet’s Society
Dangerous Minds
Take the Lead

The Green Mile
The Stand
Where the Red Fern Grows
People and Kids Speak
Lots more but I can't think of them now...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Who do YOU talk to??

Hi everyone!
Sorry, I've been disconnected for a while- literally. My internet service was temporarily cut off by a certain someone, unknowingly- so it wasn't his fault. Anyway, I'm back.. Here's what I wrote in the interim....

I’m an actress, and one of the advantages of that, is talking. I like to talk just as much as I like to act. If given a chance, I can talk up a whole storm, a whole room, and a whole hour! However, most people don’t know me that way, because many times I use up my talking energy by…. well, talking to myself.

Now, come on, don’t tell me you’ve never done that! Even if you say, “Oh my!” when you almost hit a car- that’s talking to yourself! I’ve asked people if they’ve ever talked to themselves, like, in the bathroom, in the mirror (I even asked a date once- we didn’t get married) and they all unanimously say, ‘No’, but I don’t believe them.
It can’t be that there are only two SANE people in this world who talk to themselves- me and my sister. I just won’t believe it. Everyone else is covering up.

But why? I think it’s the best thing before- and after- therapy. It’s better than therapy.
1- You talk to yourself, so no one else knows your problems (no matter how confidential they are).
2- No financial obligations.
3- You can even get things done while being in ‘therapy’
I talk to myself when washing dishes, ironing clothes, even when driving. Once I caught myself talking to myself while walking on the street. OK, I admit, THAT was scary. But I haven’t done it since. My husband talks to himself in the shower- it’s not that hard to hear through the door y’know. And when I confronted him about it (being that he had denied ever talking to himself), he said, “No! You don’t understand! That’s different! I’m just playing out an imaginary occurrence!” Yeah, well, that’s talking to yourself, buddy, however you wanna put it.

Talking to yourself can be useful for past, present, or future use.
I found that talking to myself helps me get over things I have a hard time getting over, such as a situation that had occurred that I could have acted differently- for better or for worse. For instance, I was a boy-crusher. I had crushes on any cute boy I saw. But, me being a shy girl, would always somehow mess up when talking to the cutie that spoke to me. Forever and ever, until this very day, I can go over conversations I’ve had when I was 16, 17, or even 13 and imagine that I was all sophisticated and responded in the most coolest way. If only… I would flip my hair at the mirror, giggle at the soapy dish, and wink at the wrinkled shirt- and of course, say the right things at the right times!

It also helps me prepare for things that are coming up, and for situations I imagine might occur. I remember once, when I had money for a cleaning lady- and actually had one- I had wanted to fire this particular one, because of various reasons. I was nervous. How was I gonna tell her not to come to me anymore- never mind the fact that English is not exactly her mother-tongue. I imagined all types of scenes- from the serene and smooth, to the wild and incoherent. I practiced to the mirror, I acted to the vacuum, and I waved the iron around a bit…. and I called. It actually went smoother than I had thought it would, but not as smooth as I imagined it could. First, I told her some of the problems I had with her (I felt that was only fair, as she would have a chance to fix it up for the next person- and don’t worry, this was like the third time telling her), so she tells me, “OK OK, I be there tomorrow.”
So, I’m like, “No, don’t come.”
“So when I come?”
“No more come.”
“No more?!”
“No more.”
“Oh.” And that was basically it. At least I didn’t get any incoherent cursing!

It also lets me get away with fantasizing the ‘What if’s’- like, ‘What if this or that would happen, what would I do?’ This one, probably everyone thinks about, although I verbalize it. What if…a robber, chas v’shalom, would come into my house? What would I do, how would I react? Would I grab the first thing I could find and be the attacker, instead of attackee? Would I call 911 first and keep the phone on so they can hear everything that’s going on? Or would I hide? And if we met, face to mask, what would be said (talking to yourself can be a two-sided conversation, you and the imagined person)?

Talking to yourself is really not as crazy as it sounds, especially when done in private, and people should not be embarrassed to admit that they talk to themselves. It’s a very normal, and healthy, thing. It can give courage to a shy person, ideas to a dud, and wisdom to a ditz ( Ah-don’know, I just thought that line sounded good). So…. do you talk to yourself???

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Uman II

“So,” people ask me, “how was Uman?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, it wasn’t me that was there, so I really wouldn’t know”, is what I want to reply- but don’t.

“Amazing”, is what I usually do say, though.

And if my husband says that something is amazing- it really must be.
Let me tell you about his trip so that you can be amazed, too.

To begin, Mr. WE (working ema) had a flight plan that included the first part of the flight, flying in a plane with virtually no other Jews. One other Jew, to be exact.

But, thankfully, when arriving at the first airport, there were many other Jewish people going on their flight, leaving to Kiev. The flight to the first airport was amazing and comfortable, that is true. But that should have been a forewarning for what was to come.

The flight to Kiev was a three hour ride on a small, shaky airplane, that was boarded on the tarmac, which led to a three hour ride in a small, bumpy van to… Uman.

Getting there at 12am, the place was teeming with people, of all shapes, sizes, colors, and levels of religious conviction. Being exhausted, Mr. WE wanted to just put down his bags and go to sleep, but when he entered the room he was to stay in, he found himself putting his bags down and turning right back around to go check out the going-ons. He even bought himself a pie of (Israeli) pizza (not worth it).

As he wandered aimlessly, staring in wonder at the amazing sight of this huge piece of land, swarming with Jews of all types, he met many people he knew, some as old as his father and some as young as children (maybe because they were children). Anyhow, he came upon this huge tent set up on the grounds. “What can this be?” he wondered. Luckily, he understood some Hebrew, for as he entered the tent, he was accosted by a frantic Israeli man, yelling at him and asking him what he was doing in here. Even luckier, was that another guy in the tent knew him and told the Israeli screamer to leave him alone. In this huge tent were about 50+ gigantic pots, all boiling away. This was the food for Yom Tov. Amazing…… (better than anything was that he got a FREE plate of chulent- a rarity there, I can assure you).

Next, he went to the Kever of R’ Nachman and recited the Tikkun that one is supposed to say there (don’t ask me what, where, or how).

Going to the Mikvah, before and during Rosh Hashana- a miracle in itself as Mr. WE hardly ever goes to the Mikvah (once a year to be exact)- three times all together- was an experience in itself. As Mr. WE put it “it was bumper to bumper”. Not only that, it was interesting to see these extremely religious men, chassidish men, with looong beards and looong peyos…………….with an eagle tattooed across one’s chest, an almost-naked lady tattooed across another’s arm…. Of course, they were Baalei T’shuva and deserve much credit for going to the Mikvah when they know their tatooes, which they might be embarrassed of, would be seen by all.

Davening on Rosh Hashana….put in this way. I told Mr. WE that he could go to Uman just this year, because we really need the brachos and zechusim. He came back telling me that the only place he can daven a real Rosh Hashana davening is in Uman- and that is the place he wants to daven every year.
In the shul, occupied by 10,000 people, there was only room for 5,000 people, resulting in an eight-hour long davening- while standing the WHOLE TIME. And this was only one shul. There were many, many shuls and minyanim around- including minyanim started on the street.

Tashlich was an awesome sight and experience. THIRTY THOUSAND people standing around one lake- all Jewish people, too (I can just imagine the Ukranians, looking at all these Jews… what they must think… after killing so many Jews in these very waters, the Jews are back praying at the same spot their ancestors had died.) When tashlich was said and done, rings began flying through the air- tongue rings, earrings, nose rings, you name it rings- all being thrown into the water- ridding themselves of their ‘baggage’. After throwing in the rings, the ring-throwers were approached by many who wished them a ‘Mazal Tov’.

And the food… In order to get a normal meal, you had to pay $100- which Mr. WE did not do. So, not wanted to ‘shnurrer’ food from the person he was staying at, he got onto the line for free food. This was done every meal. They would give out one bottle of grape juice, a ‘lechem mishna’ (two challah’s), a covered plate of chicken and rice, a bottle of soda, and fish to each person that came. Mr. WE got on line to receive his free meal, and the line was looonnggg. But, there was enough food to feed 5,000 people! So, while Mr. WE stood on line to receive his portion, the impatient people in front of him decided to…. what else, dance! Of course, they grabbed Mr. WE into the circle. Finally, Mr. WE got to the front- and found out that he was #5,001!! Well, at least he got the grape juice, challah, and two sodas! Eventually, he went back to the apartment he was staying at, and found out they had a whole home-cooked meal, and they had waited for him, but decided to start eating without him…. They saved him some food, don’t worry.

Davening at the Kever of R’ Nachman M’Breslov was amazing as well. People that did not look Jewish at all, would go up to the matzeivah (gravestone) and burst out in body-wracking sobs that would leave them weak. As they say, in every Jew, there is a ‘pintele yid’.

I think this is a short enough version of Rosh Hashana in Uman, for you to get a taste of what is was like. The most amazing thing that Mr. WE found in Uman, was that everyone was just so accepting of one another- no matter who they were or how they looked. Now, Mr. WE wants to become a Breslov Chassid. (Uh oh….???)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Uman, Uman, Rosh Hashana........

My husband just went to Uman for Rosh Hashana. I don’t know if I would usually be so keen about it, however, this year, we are in dire need of zechusim and brachos, so we decided this once it wouldn’t hurt. Of course, the decision was propelled forward by the ad for free tickets- which were not totally free in the end, just half the cost, but good enough nonetheless.

Anyhow, I was just thinking of how amazing it is there, in Uman (well, probably. I can’t say for sure as I’ve never been there). I imagine it to be like Meron on Lag Baomer (which I’ve only seen on videos my husband took when he was there and I, who was almost having a baby, decided to stay home).

There are myriads of people from all different walks of life, all coming together for one purpose. There are physical distinctions through dress, yet everyone is treated the same. They’re all Jews after all, no matter how they look.

Imagine the feelings of the non-Jews living there. They thought that they’d killed almost all the Jews in the world- and now double, triple the amount of people they killed are coming back, surrounding them, taking over, probably giving them enough money, for various services of course, to support themselves. Here they are, lowering themselves to Jews- once again. They might die out- but the Jewish people never will. They will survive in all shapes, forms and observances- yes, they will survive. What sweet revenge.

At the airport, checking in, the Spanish ticket lady asked my husband why so many Jews were going to Uman. She added that she had a Jewish boyfriend and he had also been curious. My husband explained the whole deal to her. She was quite impressed. She’ll probably go tell her boyfriend and.. who knows…? Best of all, because he was so nice, helpful and straightforward (that’s my man!) she gave him the best seat in the house- right by the exit door, so that he could stretch out aaalll the way!! Kiddush Hashem, Kiruv Rechokim, and still the best seat:o)!!

Have a Shana Tova, A Gut G’bentched yur and a K’siva V’chasima Tova all you bloggers!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Minyan post

Hurray! I am writing my tenth post- now, THAT'S an accomplishment!!- Especially for me, who has a busy life, B"H, but who really enjoys writing, yet never gets a chance to. (Pat, pat, pat the back!) It's also an accomplishment, being that I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO ANY COOL STUFF!! (on the blog I mean) So, if anyone, ANYONE, can give me some ideas- (and of course HOW TO do them) THANK YOU!!!- in advance.... The crazy thing is, my computer for sure, no doubt, has a virus, being that if I press my enter button, I am shoved off the post-writing box. Therefore, you will have to deal with this endless, non-entered and paragraph-spaced writing.... sorry... So, now onto the topic of my Minyan post..... My mother....Yes, I'm allowing my mother to enter in my blog-without her knowledge of course- only this time, because I need help. If it would be with her knowledge.... well, I probably wouldn't be here cuz I'd feel too uncomfortable writing anything.... what can I say... I'm still my mother's daughter- even after a marriage, four years at that, and two kids..... imagine...;-D So, my mother....well, I need help in the form of ideas... what do you get a mother who has invested so much of her life to helping you out just so you can graduate with a masters....Of course, she's told me, after I asked her, that all she wants is for me to have a happy marriage and a card- she loves cards from her kids. But I really really need to get her something else- and she doesn't want a cutlery set, a George Forman grill, or anything that I offered, for that matter... Any ideas anyone?!?!?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Hey all, I'm back! My enter button does not work for some reason so I'm just gonna write on and on and on...... Well, not really, but there won't be any new lines, unless I cut and paste that is. Anyhow, summer was fun. Hope you all enjoyed! Glad to be back!

A Tribute

I have to say that really, Kasamba, you have inspired me to try poetry, rhyming or anything of that sort. So, here I go,… trying it out… and if it’s really bad, well, too bad. It’s fun.:o)

A Tribute

Good buddy
Old friend
What would I give
To see you again

We used to be so close
But now we are so far
You’d even have to drive
At least two hours by car!

And for the friend
That lives nearby
We fell apart
‘Cuz you’re married to some….guy

And then there’s the guy
Who used to be my friend
But now we’re both married
And…. Well, that was the end.

Whatever happened to friendship
So dear and so beloved
At least now I have my true friend
My darling husband…


Summer Days...

(TTTO 'Grease') Summer’s over
I had a bla-ast
I worked so hard
The who-ole first ha-alf
I finished college
And then had some fun
Frolicking i-in the sun

Summer days
Those are the best
Especially when you
Get an A on your test!!! (Yay!!)
Do do do do do –OOH!

Tell me more
Tell me more
What the summer was like
Tell me more
Tell me more
What was there to excite..
You, you, you, you…

Well, I did go and lose some po-ounds
Which made my clothes fall to the gro-ound (Yow!)
Well, it only happened one time
And at least no one was around (Whew!)
[Or- and it was size 2 times 9)

Summer days
They pass by with haste
And soon the pounds will go back to my waist
Just wait and see-ee—OOH!

Tell me more
Tell me more
Did you get really bored
Tell me more
Tell me more
Did you fall through the floor boards?
Well, why should I have done that?....

Summer’s over
School has begu-un
Now comes work
Goodbye fu-un
Until next time
I can’t wait to chill out
In the sun, sweatin’ about

Summer days
Driftin’ away
Ooh Ooh ah-ah the su-ummer months……

Thursday, July 27, 2006


well, I'm back......(yawn)
Had a really nice and relaxing time...went out to eat...just enjoyed...
Probably wont' have access to computer for the next few weeks, so
enjoy your summer everyone!
(I'll try to somehow visit once in a while)

Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

out of the closet...

I finally did it...

I came out of the closet...

I told my mother....

No, no... I'm straight, thank you- but, still, this might seem weird, what I'm about to say... or write...

I told my mother that I was going on a rendevouz with my husband.

Yes... that's what I came out with.
I know it sounds stupid, but... I still feel that I can't tell my mother everything- no matter how close we are.

I told her that I was going to my sister-in-law's house for a bbq, and that I was going to sleep over. She doesn't know my sis-in-laws number, so I was safe.

But reeeaally... I was going on a secret rendevouz with my... hubby!
We decided that, since my mom was watching the kids for the week, and we'd be getting them back on Thursday, we might as well grab the last day we have left, meet halfway (me coming from the city, going to college, and he, coming from his job upstate) and have an overnight date!

BUT... I couldn't tell her that! I just couldn't! She would KNOW! She'd know what we were up to!! NO No!! I couldn't THINK of her seeing me.... THAT way!!!

I don't know, I guess I still have that phobia from when I was single, that I can't tell her what I'm REALLy up to!
And that's just crazy, cuz I'm a married woman, with 2 adorable kids, and an adorable husband.... so why should I be afraid?!??!?!

Well, I'll tell you... I was really afraid that she would start going at me, "Why do you have to meet? Why are you wasting all that money? You're gonna see each other in one day! What's the big deal?", and "Where you gonna go? What are you gonna do? Go to a motel, not a hotel, it's much cheaper..." and on and on.. I was afraid. (i was also afraid she'd find out the other reason i was going- which is none of anyone's business)

BUT... I decided to tell it to her. I decided to say, "well, change of plans. I decided not to go to (sis-in-law) and to go on a date with (hubby), being that it's the last time we'll be alone in a while, cuz we're taking back the kids!"
and she said, "Oh wow! that's so nice? You're gonna stay over at your house (which was the halfway point)?" and I said "no, probably a hotel" and she said "oh!"

And that was it.
So, why do I still feel like I can't tell my parents everything that I REALLY do?


Monday, July 24, 2006

Some politics...

I was listening to NPR news, Thursday, at around 7ish, and they had a guest on air, who would help shed some light on Lebanon, Hezbollah, and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. I'm known to be a little naive at times, so I wonder if the slight sparkle of hope I felt was premature and well.... naive.

This is part of the conversation between the host(ess) and guest.
Just a side point- I was pretty impressed that an NPR radio host would ask such direct questions that demanded an answer to Hezbollah's actions, as I don't think NPR is especially known as pro-Israel, although I've never heard that it is necessarily anti, either)

Conversation between NPR show host and Julia Shekar of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, on NPR news:

NPR: What is the history of Hezbollah?

Julia: At the time of Israeli's occupation(?) of Lebanon, they had shipped the PLO out of the country, so a faction of [an Arab] party broke off and created Hezbollah as a resistance group to Israel. When the Lebanese government was formed, they all sat down and signed an agreement that none of the parties would bear arms. However, as they were signing, no one mentioned Hezbollah, as it was an unwritten and almost unspoken agreement that Hezbollah would continue to bear arms, as they were more of a resistance group than a political group. When Israel left Lebanon, many political groups in Lebanon wanted Hezbollah to disarm, but it was something that would not happen. Hezbollah, by that time, was too strong- politically and [in other ways]. They represented most of the poor Shiites who live in South Lebanon. They were already more of regional leaders than a small resistance group.

NPR: What does the Lebanese government think of Hezbollah?

J: The Lebanese government would like Hezbollah to disarm, but it doesn't seem like that will happen.

N: Do they condone the rocket attacks that Hezbollah has done to Israel before this war?

J: The Lebanese government never protested against it, but never condoned it either.

N: Is it true that Hezbollah has their military equipment all set up within civilian areas? That rockets are shot from within civilian areas?

J: Well, I don't know about their military operations, but I know that Hezbollah leaders, like Nasrallah (and others) live amongst the civilians, among families and businesses.

N: Do you think Hezbollah can ever be gotten rid of?

J: No, because although the Israelis were able to get rid of the PLO in Lebanon, by just shipping them off somewhere, Hezbollah leaders are from Lebanon, they are part of the government, so they would not be able to do that.

From this conversation, I was able to confirm my thoughts(?) that Lebanon does not care for Israel, does not want it to exist- to say the least...
But, what is my spark of hope I mentioned before?

Well, just the fact that the Lebanese government does not want Hezbollah to be able to bear arms. If they would not be able to bear arms, perhaps alot, if not most, of the attacks would cease in Israel. The attacks from Hezbollah, anyway.

But will it ever happen?

I don't think my naivete extends that far...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Professionally helped

I'm trying to decide which is better.. the old-world view of things or the new-world view of things... and let me explain in which context.

My husband's grandmother was an old woman- 88 or so- when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had been feeling unwell for a while, aching back, no energy, etc. My husband, an EMT, went to visit her one day, saw how she looked and called Hatzalah. She was taken to the hospital, finally, as this was the third or so time that Hatzalah came for her, but she had always refused to go with them. Anyway, she was diagnosed at the hospital, and the doctor told her to come to his office in about a week to see what there was to do about it.

Now, my husband's grandmother and his parents are all old-world people. Before she was diagnosed, Bobby (we will call her as of now) refused to go to doctors to see why she wasn't feeling well. My in-laws wanted to take her to a doctor, but after once of saying 'No' they never pushed. Why? Because doctors don't know what they're doing... they kill you at the hospital... she doesn't want to go, what can I do?..... Oh, I have some medicine in the cabinet from.. around six years ago, maybe that will help her...

Well, it took a long painful year, and finally, at the end, she died, suffering.

And I get so mad thinking about it.

Doctors are there to help. And I'm not only talking about Medical doctors, I'm talking about people that have PhD's, MD's, or whatever other kind of doctorate degree there is! Therapists, psychologists, doctors, and surgeons- they're not there to kill you! that's not what they went to school for!

They went to school to learn how to help and to heal.

Now, there's another problem. I believe, after much discussion with a knowledgeable person, that a close relative, who is influenced by my in-laws, needs to see a psychologist to work out some real problems of self-respect, self-esteem, and self-belief. Others that are close to this person have tried to help in numerous ways... but to no avail. This person is stuck at age 14, cannot make decisions for his/herself, cannot go or do anything without getting approval from someone, is not friends with anyone this person's age- only younger, much younger. And this person is 23. S/he needs help.

And my in-laws, being the influential people they are to this person (otherwise they are great), will not even HEAR of going to a psychologist! "What! You think s/he's crazy!? Whatsa matter with you!?!?"

What is so wrong with going for help? Some poeple think that going for help puts you into damnation forever. Well, the world does not have to know about it.
Only you.
And no one else. Not any other relative or sibling, or cousin or whatever!

Now, the new-world view of things is... "you got a problem, go to a doctor. You had a spat with hubby, go to a psychologist. You didn't get pregnant right away, get infertility drugs.."

I do think some of these things are important, but all in good time! You don't have to ruuunnn to a doctor every time you have a cold, or when you had a good yelling session with the spouse, however, there is a limit to how long you can hold off as well....

To go or not to go.. That is the question....

I have vented....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ooh, the HEAT!

It is HOT. and I mean HOOOOTTTTT!!!

It's the kind of hot, that when you stand in the kitchen, making yourself a celery and peanut butter snack- y'know, the kind where you put tons and tons of yummy, creamy peanut butter into the 'valley' of the celery 'til it's full up- and you just break out into a sweat.... literally.

I was standing there and I felt.. pop..pop..poppity pop...pitypoppitypop...pitypoppoppopopopopopop.. until my whole face was covered in little tiny sweat drops... all just from doing the crime of standing in the heat making a peanut butter and celery snack. What a punishment.

It's the kind of heat, that when you walk outside... you feel like some little kid is on your back, trying really really hard to push you to the ground. It's...what's the word... oppressive heat. Gravitationilized heat. Oh, and not only is this kid trying to knock you down, he's (of course it's a boy. Would a girl a ever do such a thing:o) also spraying a water gun in your face! So, now you're boiling hot, feel like you're being knocked down, and soaking wet-
and you're STILL standing in one place!!???


Open that Air Conditioner!


Monday, July 17, 2006

Let me in!

I've been introduced.... and almost hooked. You're only hooked when you go on every day, post every day, and write every day... which I haven't.... yet. We'll see how it goes I guess, though, just by looking at my name you can probably guess how often I'll be checking up on my blog!! Ooops, shouldn't say that, huh? Then no one will be visiting...

You're loss:o)

I've gotta say, I've checked out some bloggers, and it's like you have lots of fun..

Hope to join you all (phone rang-it's hubby)in your fun, soon!