Thursday, September 21, 2006

Uman, Uman, Rosh Hashana........

My husband just went to Uman for Rosh Hashana. I don’t know if I would usually be so keen about it, however, this year, we are in dire need of zechusim and brachos, so we decided this once it wouldn’t hurt. Of course, the decision was propelled forward by the ad for free tickets- which were not totally free in the end, just half the cost, but good enough nonetheless.

Anyhow, I was just thinking of how amazing it is there, in Uman (well, probably. I can’t say for sure as I’ve never been there). I imagine it to be like Meron on Lag Baomer (which I’ve only seen on videos my husband took when he was there and I, who was almost having a baby, decided to stay home).

There are myriads of people from all different walks of life, all coming together for one purpose. There are physical distinctions through dress, yet everyone is treated the same. They’re all Jews after all, no matter how they look.

Imagine the feelings of the non-Jews living there. They thought that they’d killed almost all the Jews in the world- and now double, triple the amount of people they killed are coming back, surrounding them, taking over, probably giving them enough money, for various services of course, to support themselves. Here they are, lowering themselves to Jews- once again. They might die out- but the Jewish people never will. They will survive in all shapes, forms and observances- yes, they will survive. What sweet revenge.

At the airport, checking in, the Spanish ticket lady asked my husband why so many Jews were going to Uman. She added that she had a Jewish boyfriend and he had also been curious. My husband explained the whole deal to her. She was quite impressed. She’ll probably go tell her boyfriend and.. who knows…? Best of all, because he was so nice, helpful and straightforward (that’s my man!) she gave him the best seat in the house- right by the exit door, so that he could stretch out aaalll the way!! Kiddush Hashem, Kiruv Rechokim, and still the best seat:o)!!

Have a Shana Tova, A Gut G’bentched yur and a K’siva V’chasima Tova all you bloggers!!


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

So nice you let him go. I hope this year is a blessed year and a year of yeshuos.

David_on_the_Lake said...

Very nice... Rebbe Nachman...promises whoever goes to Uman Rosh Hashana will be pulled out of gehinnom by him himself...
my wifes response way are u leaving me in gehinnom by

shes got a point

ksiva vchasima tova

Pragmatician said...

I wasn't aware that people traveled to Uman for zechusim, this is new to me.
Very interesting.
WHat makes it such a special place?

the only way i know said...

La la la la la
We are bloooginng
instead offf coooking!!
Im telling my mommy on you!

love ya!

A gut gebenctcht yur......
May Uman work wonders for you and yours...(am i yours? lol)

HanginUp said...

Uman - do they allow women there? Seems like your hubby gets to have all the fun!!

kasamba said...

That's quite a guy you got there!!!!

workingema said...

Social mom- I pushed him to go!Thank you and Amen!!

david- yeah, I heard that too,so I'll just hold on tight to my husband foot or something....
but I also heard that your prayers get answered- or at least R' Nachman will daven for you so that they should get answered- and THAT is what we need:)

Prag- it's a long story- but to make it short.... At the time of the Crusaders (I think) they built on idol in the center of town and told all to bow to it. Whoever didn't, was killed. 20,000 Jews were killed on that spot. When R' Nachman (the great grandson of the Baal Shem Tov)passed by that spot, he said that those 20,000 souls were still looking for a tikkun and were not at rest. He said that he wanted to be buried there so that he could be their tikkun. He also said that whoever would come daven there on Rosh Hashana and give tzedakah and say Tikkun Haklluli, he would personally pull them out of gehenom but they would have to do the rest from there on...

So, that is why it is so special...

TOWIK- well, when you don't have to cook..... so, la la la la- yup, I'm blogging!!:)

Hanginup- actually, they don't allow women- it's for men. and #2, he deserves some fun for all he does- and I'm not worried 'bout him..

kasamba- tell me 'bout it!