Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Uman II

“So,” people ask me, “how was Uman?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, it wasn’t me that was there, so I really wouldn’t know”, is what I want to reply- but don’t.

“Amazing”, is what I usually do say, though.

And if my husband says that something is amazing- it really must be.
Let me tell you about his trip so that you can be amazed, too.

To begin, Mr. WE (working ema) had a flight plan that included the first part of the flight, flying in a plane with virtually no other Jews. One other Jew, to be exact.

But, thankfully, when arriving at the first airport, there were many other Jewish people going on their flight, leaving to Kiev. The flight to the first airport was amazing and comfortable, that is true. But that should have been a forewarning for what was to come.

The flight to Kiev was a three hour ride on a small, shaky airplane, that was boarded on the tarmac, which led to a three hour ride in a small, bumpy van to… Uman.

Getting there at 12am, the place was teeming with people, of all shapes, sizes, colors, and levels of religious conviction. Being exhausted, Mr. WE wanted to just put down his bags and go to sleep, but when he entered the room he was to stay in, he found himself putting his bags down and turning right back around to go check out the going-ons. He even bought himself a pie of (Israeli) pizza (not worth it).

As he wandered aimlessly, staring in wonder at the amazing sight of this huge piece of land, swarming with Jews of all types, he met many people he knew, some as old as his father and some as young as children (maybe because they were children). Anyhow, he came upon this huge tent set up on the grounds. “What can this be?” he wondered. Luckily, he understood some Hebrew, for as he entered the tent, he was accosted by a frantic Israeli man, yelling at him and asking him what he was doing in here. Even luckier, was that another guy in the tent knew him and told the Israeli screamer to leave him alone. In this huge tent were about 50+ gigantic pots, all boiling away. This was the food for Yom Tov. Amazing…… (better than anything was that he got a FREE plate of chulent- a rarity there, I can assure you).

Next, he went to the Kever of R’ Nachman and recited the Tikkun that one is supposed to say there (don’t ask me what, where, or how).

Going to the Mikvah, before and during Rosh Hashana- a miracle in itself as Mr. WE hardly ever goes to the Mikvah (once a year to be exact)- three times all together- was an experience in itself. As Mr. WE put it “it was bumper to bumper”. Not only that, it was interesting to see these extremely religious men, chassidish men, with looong beards and looong peyos…………….with an eagle tattooed across one’s chest, an almost-naked lady tattooed across another’s arm…. Of course, they were Baalei T’shuva and deserve much credit for going to the Mikvah when they know their tatooes, which they might be embarrassed of, would be seen by all.

Davening on Rosh Hashana….put in this way. I told Mr. WE that he could go to Uman just this year, because we really need the brachos and zechusim. He came back telling me that the only place he can daven a real Rosh Hashana davening is in Uman- and that is the place he wants to daven every year.
In the shul, occupied by 10,000 people, there was only room for 5,000 people, resulting in an eight-hour long davening- while standing the WHOLE TIME. And this was only one shul. There were many, many shuls and minyanim around- including minyanim started on the street.

Tashlich was an awesome sight and experience. THIRTY THOUSAND people standing around one lake- all Jewish people, too (I can just imagine the Ukranians, looking at all these Jews… what they must think… after killing so many Jews in these very waters, the Jews are back praying at the same spot their ancestors had died.) When tashlich was said and done, rings began flying through the air- tongue rings, earrings, nose rings, you name it rings- all being thrown into the water- ridding themselves of their ‘baggage’. After throwing in the rings, the ring-throwers were approached by many who wished them a ‘Mazal Tov’.

And the food… In order to get a normal meal, you had to pay $100- which Mr. WE did not do. So, not wanted to ‘shnurrer’ food from the person he was staying at, he got onto the line for free food. This was done every meal. They would give out one bottle of grape juice, a ‘lechem mishna’ (two challah’s), a covered plate of chicken and rice, a bottle of soda, and fish to each person that came. Mr. WE got on line to receive his free meal, and the line was looonnggg. But, there was enough food to feed 5,000 people! So, while Mr. WE stood on line to receive his portion, the impatient people in front of him decided to…. what else, dance! Of course, they grabbed Mr. WE into the circle. Finally, Mr. WE got to the front- and found out that he was #5,001!! Well, at least he got the grape juice, challah, and two sodas! Eventually, he went back to the apartment he was staying at, and found out they had a whole home-cooked meal, and they had waited for him, but decided to start eating without him…. They saved him some food, don’t worry.

Davening at the Kever of R’ Nachman M’Breslov was amazing as well. People that did not look Jewish at all, would go up to the matzeivah (gravestone) and burst out in body-wracking sobs that would leave them weak. As they say, in every Jew, there is a ‘pintele yid’.

I think this is a short enough version of Rosh Hashana in Uman, for you to get a taste of what is was like. The most amazing thing that Mr. WE found in Uman, was that everyone was just so accepting of one another- no matter who they were or how they looked. Now, Mr. WE wants to become a Breslov Chassid. (Uh oh….???)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Uman, Uman, Rosh Hashana........

My husband just went to Uman for Rosh Hashana. I don’t know if I would usually be so keen about it, however, this year, we are in dire need of zechusim and brachos, so we decided this once it wouldn’t hurt. Of course, the decision was propelled forward by the ad for free tickets- which were not totally free in the end, just half the cost, but good enough nonetheless.

Anyhow, I was just thinking of how amazing it is there, in Uman (well, probably. I can’t say for sure as I’ve never been there). I imagine it to be like Meron on Lag Baomer (which I’ve only seen on videos my husband took when he was there and I, who was almost having a baby, decided to stay home).

There are myriads of people from all different walks of life, all coming together for one purpose. There are physical distinctions through dress, yet everyone is treated the same. They’re all Jews after all, no matter how they look.

Imagine the feelings of the non-Jews living there. They thought that they’d killed almost all the Jews in the world- and now double, triple the amount of people they killed are coming back, surrounding them, taking over, probably giving them enough money, for various services of course, to support themselves. Here they are, lowering themselves to Jews- once again. They might die out- but the Jewish people never will. They will survive in all shapes, forms and observances- yes, they will survive. What sweet revenge.

At the airport, checking in, the Spanish ticket lady asked my husband why so many Jews were going to Uman. She added that she had a Jewish boyfriend and he had also been curious. My husband explained the whole deal to her. She was quite impressed. She’ll probably go tell her boyfriend and.. who knows…? Best of all, because he was so nice, helpful and straightforward (that’s my man!) she gave him the best seat in the house- right by the exit door, so that he could stretch out aaalll the way!! Kiddush Hashem, Kiruv Rechokim, and still the best seat:o)!!

Have a Shana Tova, A Gut G’bentched yur and a K’siva V’chasima Tova all you bloggers!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Minyan post

Hurray! I am writing my tenth post- now, THAT'S an accomplishment!!- Especially for me, who has a busy life, B"H, but who really enjoys writing, yet never gets a chance to. (Pat, pat, pat the back!) It's also an accomplishment, being that I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO ANY COOL STUFF!! (on the blog I mean) So, if anyone, ANYONE, can give me some ideas- (and of course HOW TO do them) THANK YOU!!!- in advance.... The crazy thing is, my computer for sure, no doubt, has a virus, being that if I press my enter button, I am shoved off the post-writing box. Therefore, you will have to deal with this endless, non-entered and paragraph-spaced writing.... sorry... So, now onto the topic of my Minyan post..... My mother....Yes, I'm allowing my mother to enter in my blog-without her knowledge of course- only this time, because I need help. If it would be with her knowledge.... well, I probably wouldn't be here cuz I'd feel too uncomfortable writing anything.... what can I say... I'm still my mother's daughter- even after a marriage, four years at that, and two kids..... imagine...;-D So, my mother....well, I need help in the form of ideas... what do you get a mother who has invested so much of her life to helping you out just so you can graduate with a masters....Of course, she's told me, after I asked her, that all she wants is for me to have a happy marriage and a card- she loves cards from her kids. But I really really need to get her something else- and she doesn't want a cutlery set, a George Forman grill, or anything that I offered, for that matter... Any ideas anyone?!?!?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Hey all, I'm back! My enter button does not work for some reason so I'm just gonna write on and on and on...... Well, not really, but there won't be any new lines, unless I cut and paste that is. Anyhow, summer was fun. Hope you all enjoyed! Glad to be back!

A Tribute

I have to say that really, Kasamba, you have inspired me to try poetry, rhyming or anything of that sort. So, here I go,… trying it out… and if it’s really bad, well, too bad. It’s fun.:o)

A Tribute

Good buddy
Old friend
What would I give
To see you again

We used to be so close
But now we are so far
You’d even have to drive
At least two hours by car!

And for the friend
That lives nearby
We fell apart
‘Cuz you’re married to some….guy

And then there’s the guy
Who used to be my friend
But now we’re both married
And…. Well, that was the end.

Whatever happened to friendship
So dear and so beloved
At least now I have my true friend
My darling husband…


Summer Days...

(TTTO 'Grease') Summer’s over
I had a bla-ast
I worked so hard
The who-ole first ha-alf
I finished college
And then had some fun
Frolicking i-in the sun

Summer days
Those are the best
Especially when you
Get an A on your test!!! (Yay!!)
Do do do do do –OOH!

Tell me more
Tell me more
What the summer was like
Tell me more
Tell me more
What was there to excite..
You, you, you, you…

Well, I did go and lose some po-ounds
Which made my clothes fall to the gro-ound (Yow!)
Well, it only happened one time
And at least no one was around (Whew!)
[Or- and it was size 2 times 9)

Summer days
They pass by with haste
And soon the pounds will go back to my waist
Just wait and see-ee—OOH!

Tell me more
Tell me more
Did you get really bored
Tell me more
Tell me more
Did you fall through the floor boards?
Well, why should I have done that?....

Summer’s over
School has begu-un
Now comes work
Goodbye fu-un
Until next time
I can’t wait to chill out
In the sun, sweatin’ about

Summer days
Driftin’ away
Ooh Ooh ah-ah the su-ummer months……