Wednesday, December 06, 2006

so long.....

Hey all- whoever still comes here to read, anyway....
Sorry I've been away for so long.....
Do you really want to know why? Really? Are you sure?
Ok ok, I'll tell you.
It's all these........ BILLS.
I promise. That's all it is. I had to pay my bills. But, in order to pay them, I have to go online to my bank and modify my bill payments.
And I really didn't want to do that.
I just didn't want to see that minus sign in front of some numbers.
Stupid. But that's the reason.
So, I'm back... for now.... until the next bill-paying day....


David_on_the_Lake said...

you mean bills....can be a positive?

kasamba said...

Well, glad you're back!

Pragmatician said...

Well it's a reason like any other

yingerman said...

an accountant once told me something that I find very true
no matter how much money you make.
It seems the average american has 10% per expenses than income!

workingema said...

David- well, it gives me more family time cuz I'm not on my blog???.......... NO!

Kasamba- thanks!

Prag- you sound so...mean!! Pphhtt!;o)

yingerman- I have like 20%